Literary works in the spirit of things sempervirens.

The Young Man Who Perfected Love

Format:               Paperback, eBook
Author:               Dennis J. Reader
Category:           Literary Love Tale
Publisher:          Sempervirens Books
Published:         1 Dec. 2022
ISBN:                  9798985582567 (Paperback)
                            9798985582574 (ebook)
Pages:                327
Country:             United States
Language:          English
Dimension:         6 x .625 x 9 inches
Item Weight:      12 ounces
Edition:                First Edition

Paperback $12.99 / eBook $4.99

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We all grow up hearing the word “love.” We all grow up needing at least a version of that love. But many people, over time, never learn to define the word in their lives, or whether even to believe in it. Yet there are a few–a very few–who seek the fullest that the word love could ever conceive, and achieve.

In this story we find two of these rare seekers of the fullest love. The first seeker is a soldier uncle, to be followed a decade later by his ambitious nephew.  Both will discover just how twisted, thrilling, unexpected, joyous, deadly, such a journey can become. And, of course, the journey will fail unless another true seeker awaits you at its end.